Forward momentum: on beginning.

Starting is the hardest part of most things for me. On the “about” page for this site, I stated:

Make This : Do That is a podcast born from the numerous conversations that I have had over the years and continue to have with friends, colleagues, and strangers about making. The beginning of a project or the birth of an idea is often fraught with unanswered questions and intimidating hurdles, With Make This :
 Do that, I want to make these conversations public. I hope to not only share specific answers to questions but also to uncover the sometimes veiled process of beginning. In doing this and exposing the workings of this process I want to share the joy and frustration of making, and affirm the ability that we all have as makers when we engage with a larger community.

I have never made a podcast before, and I don’t entirely know the shape that this will take in its final state. What I do know is that I am looking forward to it evolving. I want whatever listenership I have to be a part of this. In the spirit of that, please do not hesitate to reach out with comments or suggestions about the podcast. If you have an idea or a question and would like to be on the podcast, please email
